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Welcome Return of Seddon Playgroup


Since closing during the pandemic, it’s great to see the Seddon Playgroup back at Seddon Uniting Church in Gamon Street. A community callout in late 2024, created an overwhelming response from locals keen to reactivate the space and create a much-needed community hub not just for playgroup but for other community activities too.

Recognizing the importance of the playgroup, members of the Seddon Uniting Church congregation took steps to reconnect with the community and secure funding to restart operations. Deborah Pirr has stepped up as the Playgroup Coordinator, supported by other congregation members, in particular local Pam Mulready. The playgroup has since joined Playgroup Victoria and sought expert advice from Early Childhood Academic Joanne Garner (Victoria University) to ensure a safe and supportive environment.

To facilitate the reopening, two working bees were held on the 19th and 26th October, 2024. A call-out to the Seddon community was met with an enthusiastic response. Volunteers worked to clean the old hall, toys, and facilities, with a skip bin organized for disposal of unusable items. Parents generously gave their time over two weekends to help restore and reorganize the space. Toys were sorted, with broken and outdated items discarded, while the remaining toys were thoroughly cleaned. The result was a sparkling, welcoming play area.

After several community working bees and countless behind the scenes hours from volunteers, Pam & Deborah, the playgroup is up and running for 2025 with 30 children enrolled.

The playgroup caters for babies and children of pre-school age, supporting families from Seddon to Newport and operates every Monday at 10am. With a growing waiting list, Pam & Deborah hope to expand the program in the future. They also plan to improve the facilities, including the kitchen, heating and cooling to accommodate increased use of the space by the wider community.

Playgroup Co-ordinator, Deborah Pirr explained “We are actively engaging with groups and individuals interested in reviving community activities in the area. These partnerships could provide additional support for the playgroup and other community programs at the church.

The high ceilings in the church and hall provide relief in hot weather but make heating a challenge. Recognizing this, the congregation has prioritized improving heating and cooling in the hall for community use. We hope to secure grants or partnerships to enhance these amenities.” she continued.

“We extend our heartfelt gratitude to Community Bank Seddon for their generous support in revitalizing this much-needed community playgroup,” said Deborah. “Their contributions have made a tremendous difference, provided funding to purchase essential items such as rugs, baby toys, and other priority resources, significantly supporting our preparation and ongoing operations.

They also gifted two beautiful children’s tables and chairs as well as a professionally printed playgroup banner. These generous contributions have significantly enhanced our space.”

Deborah and Pam welcome inquiries to hire the community hall. For more information about the playgroup or hiring the space –

Email –

Facebook – @seddoncommunityplaygroup