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Project Boomerang Bags


“We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.” – Winston Churchill

This is the quote that inspired Amy Maxwell to create Maribyrnong Boomerang Bags. “I’m not sure exactly what he meant by it, but at a time in my life when things were pretty rough, I was inspired to start looking for volunteer options to give back and make a difference.”

After finding a video online by 1 Million Women about Boomerang Bags, Amy thought it would be a great initiative to use almost 20 years of sewing & crafting skills but also assist removing plastic bags from the local community. With the West Footscray group up and running, it’s Amy’s goal to see Boomerang Bags sewing bees throughout the inner west.

And it may just happen quicker than she thinks. At the recent Seddon Community Bank Branch “Community Pitch” event, Amy & her partner Chris met Customer Relations Manager, Jonathan Rey. Jonathan was also inspired by the Boomerang Bags story and has offered his support through the Seddon Community Bank Branch.

For the month of June, the Seddon Community Bank Branch will be promote the story of Maribyrnong Boomerang Bags within the community, The branch will be a drop off point for anyone with fabric they would like to donate, there will be samples of bags to borrow and posters in the Seddon Village to remind shoppers to consider using Boomerang Bags.

“We really hope to motivate Seddon traders and locals to try Boomerang Bags. Who knows? Maybe we’ll end up with a Plastic Bag-Free Seddon!” said Mr Rey

The inaugural Seddon Boomerang Bags Sewing Bee will be held on Monday 18th June 9.30am – 2.30pm, Handmaker’s Factory, 84B Charles St Seddon.